The Seven Principles of Flow

Our research has spanned a wide range of industries across all sectors, looking for examples of organizations that manage their resources in ways that are in direct contrast to the dominant silo paradigm. From a diverse set of examples that include both digital and physical and that cover experiences, offerings and organizations, we have identified seven core principles that flow based designs have in common.

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How Silos Work

If our hearts decided to hoard the blood like silos hoard information, expertise and other resources in our companies we’d die within seconds. Regardless of the resource they accumulate, silos compromise the well-being of the systems of which they’re a part, whether those systems are companies, industries, communities or ecosystems.

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On Tollbooths

Open Road Tolling, a model in which drivers maintain their flow, is much safer for those drivers and their passengers than the alternative in which they have to come to a standstill and wait in line to be processed or served. It is also a much more efficient use of their time as well as their gas, and is thus a far better experience. It’s also a better solution for the toll operator, being cheaper to manage and to maintain than toll booths. And because it eliminates stopping and waiting it also increases fuel efficiency and reduces carbon monoxide and other emissions, providing an environmental benefit as well.

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